As part of their spiritual formation, students take time throughout their high school careers to explore who they are as children of God. Retreats provide a unique opportunity for students to step back and reflect on their lives and their relationship with God and one another.
Freshman Retreat
The freshman retreat is a day for students to reflect on the Xaverian charism which animates the school. The Campus Ministry Team, along with other faculty members, challenge students to grow in their faith and to become more involved in the faith life of the school community.
Sophomore Retreat
The sophomore retreat is a one-day, on-campus retreat for students to explore human dignity. Students hear from guest speakers, participate in panel discussions, and meet in reflection groups. Topics may include injustice, discrimination, bullying, and/or treatment of minorities.
Junior Retreat
Juniors participate in a three-day retreat at the Monsignor O’Dwyer Retreat House in Sparks, Maryland. Students are afforded an opportunity (in groups of about 30) to “come apart and rest awhile.” See Mark 6:31. They spend time in small and large group discussions exploring their relationships – with themselves, family, friends, and God.
Senior Retreat
Senior retreat is an optional weekend retreat held in the spring at the Bishop Claggett Center in Buckeystown, Maryland. Seniors gather to reflect back on their four years at MSJ and look ahead to the coming years as they grow into the men God intends them to be.