Health Procedures & Forms



Class Schedule and Format
  • Classes will be held 5 days a week, following our regular 4-day rotational schedule. Days of class are assigned and listed on the school calendar webpage
  • Students are expected to attend class in person unless they are under quarantine. If there are students who have a special concern about attending class in person, please contact Mr. Donohue.
  • Absent students who are not under quarantine are not allowed to attend classes virtually. Classwork will be made up according to the guidelines set by each teacher.
  • Teachers will be teaching classes in person unless there are medical circumstances that require virtual instruction.
Safety Guidelines
  • Masks are optional for anyone on Mount Saint Joseph's campus. 
  • While it is recommended, a COVID vaccination will not be required for students to attend Mount Saint Joseph.

Exposure and Testing Protocols

List of 9 items.

  • Notifying the School of a Positive COVID-19 Case

    Notify Mrs. Baker, Attendance Office at and
    Mrs. Bezirdjian, School Nurse at or
    call the Absentee Line at 410-525-1333.
    If your son is diagnosed with COVID-19 on Saturday or Sunday, please notify the Attendance Office on Monday morning at 410-525-1333.  Home Learning will begin for your son at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

    Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 or suspects COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, should stay home and isolate for 5 days.  Universal contact tracing is no longer recommended in schools.  Parents of the student with COVID-19 are encouraged to notify their son’s close contacts.  Close contacts, regardless of their vaccination status, can continue to attend school as long as they remain asymptomatic.  Close contacts should mask for 10 days from the last date of exposure (day 0 is the first date of exposure) and test at 3-5 days.  We recommend a KN95 mask.
  • Exposure to COVID-19

    In the event that staff or students come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or is suspected of having COVID-19, but has no symptoms:
    • Staff or students can continue to work in or attend school regardless of vaccine status.
    • Those who can mask should do so for 10 days from the last day of exposure.
    • A test at 3-5 days after exposure is recommended, especially for those who cannot mask.
    • For those playing a sport or wind instrument, testing may need to be repeated each day starting day 3 through day 5.
  • Individuals with COVID-19 Symptoms

    Individuals with one symptom (not including fever) should take a rapid at-home test. With a negative result, individuals can come to campus and attend classes/work. A picture of the negative result should be sent to Mrs. Bezirdjian at and Mrs. Baker at  It is suggested that individuals wear a KN95 mask until the symptoms abate.

    Individuals with multiple COVID-19 symptoms:
    • are not permitted on campus.
    • should take a COVID-19 test.
      • If the test is negative, individuals may return when the symptoms have resolved.
    Individuals with fever:
    • are not permitted on campus.
    • should take a COVID-19 test.
      • If the test is negative, individuals with fever may return 24 hours after symptoms have resolved without the use of medicine.
    Individuals with only loss of taste or smell may return to campus with a negative COVID test.
  • Positive COVID-19 Test/Home Learning

    The following policy has been adopted for students who may have a respiratory virus including COVID, flu, or RSV.
    • Stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have respiratory virus symptoms that aren't better explained by another cause.
    • You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
      • Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
      • You have not had a fever of 100.0° or greater (and are not using fever-reducing medication).
    • When you go back to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors. These additional precautions are especially important to protect people with factors that increase their risk of severe illness from respiratory viruses.

    Home Learning
    Students who test positive for COVID are no longer required to stay home for 5 days. Remote learning will not be required or offered for students who test positive for COVID. 
  • Testing at Mount Saint Joseph

    Mount Saint Joseph has worked to be able to provide COVID-19 testing to students who have been exposed, whose symptoms begin while on campus, or who are participating in athletics. Parents who would like their sons tested at Mount Saint Joseph must complete the COVID Testing Consent Form prior to testing and then visit the Nurse's Office for the test.
  • Definition of Isolation

    From the Maryland Department of Health's COVID-19 Guidance for Maryland Schools:

    Isolation is used to separate people infected with the virus (those who are sick with COVID-19 and those with no symptoms) from people who are not infected. People who are in isolation should stay home until it is safe for them to be around others. In the home, anyone sick or infected should separate themselves from others by staying in a specific “sick room” or area and using a separate bathroom (if available).
  • Definition of Quarantine

    From the Maryland Department of Health's COVID-19 Guidance for Maryland Schools:

    Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directions from their state or local health department.
  • Out-of-State Travel

    COVID testing after travel is not required.  However, we encourage parents to have their students tested prior to returning to school to reduce the likelihood of having COVID-positive folks returning to school.  This is all voluntary.  The school has home rapid tests available for pickup on a first-come basis.
  • International Travel

    As of June 12, 2022, the requirement for presenting proof of a negative viral test result before entering the U.S is suspended. This decision may be adjusted if conditions warrant. Monitor your health and look for symptoms of COVID-19.  If you or your son has a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home and contact your doctor. 

Mount Saint Joseph High School

Mount Saint Joseph is a Catholic, college preparatory school for young men sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.