College Counseling

SAT School Day Registration

SAT School Day For Juniors

Mount Saint Joseph is offering any junior at MSJ the option to take the SAT® at school on Friday, April 4, 2025. It is not required.

Taking the SAT (or ACT, an alternative standardized test) continues to be an important component of the admissions and scholarship consideration processes at many universities. In the wake of COVID-19, SAT requirements may have changed for some universities, including for those students who plan to apply for admission in the fall of 2025. It is recommended that you check with your colleges of choice for guidance on current standardized test requirements. 

The SAT administration will begin at 8:00 a.m., the normal start time for classes. 

Registration for the SAT is now open. The cost for the SAT is $70.

The Director of Special Programs coordinates the documentation and testing administration for all students with College Board-approved accommodations. For questions about accommodations, please contact Brian Townshend at

SAT® is a trademark registered/owned by the College Board.


Mount Saint Joseph High School

Mount Saint Joseph is a Catholic, college preparatory school for young men sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.