
Summer Academic Programs

Summer Classes, Seminars, and Camps

Mount Saint Joseph offers a variety of seminars and classes throughout the summer to help Catholic and non-public school students succeed in the classroom. Explore our Summer 2024 offerings below.


Mr. Greg McDivitt
Assistant Principal, Director of Studies; 410-644-3300 x2225

Mrs. Pam Ruppert
Registrar; 410-644-3300 x2349

If you wish to pay in person or by mail and would prefer to have registration materials sent to you, please contact Mr. McDivitt.

Original Credit Classes

For students who seek to advance in their studies by concentrating their academic effort on one subject in a fast-paced and intensive environment that features longer classes but significantly fewer weeks that the regular school year.

Review Credit Classes

For students who have failed a course and seek credit recovery, or for students who seek extra practice and instruction in a particular discipline.

Study Skills Seminar

Introduces students to skills that are necessary for learning and leads to success in school. The program will focus on the effectiveness of these skills for many learning situations in everyday life as well as in school.

College Application Workshop

For rising seniors who want to get started on their college applications before the school year begins.

Enrichment Opportunities

Students are invited to participate in the several camps and enrichment seminars offered this summer. Please read the descriptions for information on specific age ranges; all programs are coed. Minimum and maximum enrollments may apply for some programs.

June 16, 17, 18, 20 Study Skills Seminar (Sessions 1 & 2) | Money $killz Personal Finance & Investment Camp
June 23-26 Civil War Battlefields Tours
June 23-27 English Boot Camp (Session 1) | Algebra I Boot Camp (Session 1) | STEM Camp | Effective Professional Writing and Communication
June 30-July 3 English Boot Camp (Session 1, Ctd.) | Algebra I Boot Camp (Session 1, Ctd.)
July 7-11
Acting Workshop | Fire Protection Engineering Camp
July 14-18 Jazz Camp | Discover the Power of Genetic Engineering! | 
July 21-25 Study Skills Seminar (Session 3)
July 21-23 Xaverian Leadership Camp
July 21-25 FTC Robotics Camp
July 28-30 Middle School Leadership Camp
July 28-August 1 English Boot Camp (Session 2) | Algebra I Boot Camp (Session 2) | Study Skills Seminar (Session 4 &5)
August 4-7 English Boot Camp (Session 2, Ctd.) | Algebra I Boot Camp (Session 2, Ctd.) | Study Skills Seminar (Session 6)

Mount Saint Joseph High School

Mount Saint Joseph is a Catholic, college preparatory school for young men sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.