These courses are intended for students who have failed a course and seek credit recovery, or for students who seek extra practice and instruction in a particular discipline.
These classes may be scheduled in-person at Mount Saint Joseph’s campus, may be scheduled online (live instruction), or may meet in a hybrid online/on-campus format; these determinations will be made in May or June and will be based on anticipated enrollment and other scheduling considerations.ClassesEnglish 1-2-3-4; Algebra I; Algebra II; Geometry; Biology; Theology 1-2-3-4
ScheduleAll Review classes run
Monday, June 16 through Friday, July 18, from 8:30 am – 10:15 am and 10:30 am to 12:15 pm. Depending on student demand and scheduling concerns, some classes meet both times; some meet only at 8:30 or 10:30. Exact times will not necessarily be determined until the week of June 10
Classes meet five days a week; June 19 and July 4 are holidays.
Open to Catholic school and non-public school students.
Tuition$495 per course; full payment is required by the first day of class.
Withdrawals and Refunds
Students who withdraw during the first week of class will receive one-half of their total tuition bill. Students who withdraw at any time after the first week of classes will receive no refund. The school reserves the right to dismiss a student and apply these same refund policies.
Attendance is critical for success. Attendance will also be factored into a student’s evaluation and final grade for the course. Students are allowed two absences. Students who exceed two absences in hybrid or in-person courses must make up missed time before or after regular class meetings or on July 21-22. Students who need to report to campus on July 21-22 to fulfill their attendance obligation will be charged $20.00 per required make-up session. A student who misses more than five class sessions may not pass the course, regardless of the achievement level when present; any such case will be reviewed by the Director of Studies on an individual basis.
Progress reports will be mailed home at the midpoint of the course. At the conclusion of the course, students will receive a mark of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D or F on a final report that will be mailed home and to a student’s school, if other than Mount Saint Joseph.
The dress code is casual. Modest dress is required. Tee shirts and shorts are allowed. Students must wear closed-toe and closed-heel shoes (no flip-flops, slides, or CrocsTM). The School reserves the right to determine what constitutes proper dress, but we hope that common sense will prevail.