Students may not possess, dispense, or distribute medication on their own. Prescription medicine must be accompanied with a physician order and dropped off by the parent or guardian to the school nurse. The medicine should be brought to school in the original container and include the name of the medicine, directions for use, time, strength, dose, name of ordering medical provider, and student’s name and grade. At the end of the school year, all medications must be picked up by the parent/guardian by the last day of school. Medicine not picked up will be disposed of.
Students are allowed to carry emergency medication such as an EpiPen or a rescue inhaler but need an order from the doctor allowing them to do so. The form Physician Instructions for Prescribing Medication is used and the box that says student may carry and self-administer medication is checked off.All over-the-counter medicine provided in the health room is listed on the form Consent for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication. This form must be signed by both the parent and health care provider to be valid. The form needs to be renewed every school year.
Food Allergies
Mount Saint Joseph High School is not a nut-free environment and all 9 major allergens, and other potential allergens, are present in our cafeteria. All members of the CulinArt team have completed the Food Allergies and Celiac Disease training created by Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE). CulinArt Group strives to ensure a safe dining experience with Ingredient Experts (Bryan Crystal and Michael Burgess), detailed menu item identifiers, and lunch menus provided in advance. Please consult with Cafeteria Manager and Ingredient Expert, Mr. Bryan Crystal (, on any allergies or special dietary needs your student may have. Learn more about CulinArt's approach to food allergens.
Procedure for Students on Retreat
Prescription Medication: Please only send the amount needed for 2 days and 2 nights and drop medicine off to the retreat leader the morning of retreat. Medicine needs to be in the labeled pharmacy bottle with the name of the student, name of medication, dosage and strength of the medication, date of medication order, time and frequency of the medication, and authorized health care provider name. Medicine will be dispensed by the retreat leader or an authorized retreat chaperone.
Over the Counter Medication: Please only send the amount of medicine needed for 2 days and 2 nights in a labeled baggie. If parent determines student can self-administer, then student is allowed to keep medicine with his belongings and take as needed.
Rescue Medication: Please let the retreat leader know your son’s allergies. If your son has an order for school allowing him to carry and self-administer an Epi-pen or rescue inhaler, then the same applies for retreat. If you prefer the retreat leader to carry your son’s rescue medicine, please make arrangements with the retreat leader.
Procedure for students who become ill during the school day: Students who become ill during the school day should report to their teacher prior to reporting to the health room. Students whose illness cannot be treated expeditiously by the nurse will have their parents notified by the nurse so that they may be picked up and taken home or to their healthcare provider. Students may not contact their parents and/or leave campus without release notification by the nurse. If your son drives to school and needs to leave due to illness, both verbal and written permission from the parent to the nurse is required to release your son. The nurse’s emails are or